Ida B. Wells, journalist and activist was born on July 16, 1862. Born a slave and freed by the Emancipation Proclamation, she battled sexism, racism and violence throughout her life. She is a 2020 posthumous recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for outstanding and courageous reporting on the horrific violence against African Americans during the era of lynching.
Actress Shinnerrie Jackson portrays Ida B. Wells in the Core Ensemble’s new show: UNBOUGHT. This post features video excerpts of Ms. Wells’ 1920 speech celebrating the passage of the 19th Amendment, granting Women the Right to Vote! Here is Shinnerie speaking about her first exposure to Ida B. Wells:
Ida B. Wells was one of the original founders of the NAACP and the National Association of Colored Women, created to address civil rights and women’s suffrage. She traveled internationally shedding light on lynching in the United States. She is remembered for her life and work as one of the most outstanding women of her day.

In 1893, Ida married famed African American lawyer Ferdinand Barnett. The couple had four children and throughout her career Ida balanced motherhood with her incredible activism.

Ida and her family lived at 3624 Grand Boulevard in Chicago from 1919-1930. She founded the first African American kindergarten in that city.

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